The biolinguistic thesis states that language is a biological system internal to an individual of the species Homo sapiens sapiens for generating structured linguistic expressions over a potentially unbounded range; the design of the system is determined by a genetic endowment, external stimuli, and natural laws. With such an expansive scope, the thesis can be thoroughly explored only through interdisciplinary enterprises—the organization of which is the desideratum of the Cambridge Biolinguistics Initiative (CBI). We welcome you to participate in this most exciting endeavor. (Continue this manifesto.)

03 February 2012

Meeting Monday 6th February (6:15PM)

For the first meeting of Lent term, we will be considering a recent paper by John Mikhail which summarises research into universal moral grammar, an approach that takes the methodology of generative biolinguistics and applies it to moral judgements. While such proposals often have a tendency to be very speculative, Mikhail's analysis is suprisingly empirical, thus making an interesting case for UMG. Thanks to Michelle Sheehan for suggesting this reading!

As noted above, we will be meeting on Monday 6th February at 6:15PM - this will be in the Munby room of King's college which can be found on the second floor of the King's A staircase.

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